When are you leaving?
We are leaving Denver mid July and officially starting our journey early August.
How long will you be gone?
The plan right now is one full year.
Where are you going?
The details of our trip are still being ironed out. My wife and I are not really the planning type, which we’ve noticed in our conversations makes some people very uncomfortable. We have a general idea of where we’re going and what we want to see and do when we get there, but part of the fun is leaving room for the unexpected. That’s the real adventure. Generally, we’ll be road tripping across the country, zig-zagging the black top from coast to coast in a self converted camper van. If time and money allows we will head to Asia later in the year.
How will you fund your travels?
First thing’s first, you will never see a GoFundMe page from us asking our friends and family for money. Another thing you will not see is brand sponsored content. We’re not whoring out our travels for “likes” and free product. We are funding this trip the only way we know how (and feel comfortable with), we worked our asses off for over a year, lived modestly and saved as much money as we could. We also sold our house, cars and most of our stuff. If necessary Gabe can pick up design work on the road.
Where will you sleep?
In a van. On the beach. In hotels. In Walmart parking lots. In a tent. On the ground. With friends and family (not in the same bed).
Where will you shower?
We bought a portable solar shower that can be used anywhere we feel comfortable getting almost naked. We have also purchased memberships at a gym that has locations nation wide, so in addition to showers we can get a little workout in and take advantage of “pizza Thursdays.”
Where will you settle at the end of your trip?
The honest answers is “we have no idea,” but if I were to guess I’d say we’ll end up back in Colorado.
What's the meaning behind the name Always West?
Always West is an idea that golden opportunities lie outside our comfort zone. This is our journey away from our home, our work and our routine in search of a treasure that lies hidden beneath the surface of our daily lives. This is our gold rush, but instead of riches we seek adventure and personal growth.
What are the details of your van conversion?
All van info can be found here.
Does your van have a name?
Kinda. Actually it has a lot of names. The White Whale. AlexVANder Supertramp. El Blanco Burro. Antonio Vanderas. Most often we call it Vanderson Cooper, or Mr Cooper, or Coopy for short.